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Low-Key GOD webnovel (chapter - 5)

**Chapter 5: Unexpected Trouble**

Gray woke up to the warmth of the morning light filtering through the curtains. After a leisurely stretch, he completed his usual routine—a long, hot bath, followed by a quick bite of an apple as he walked to school. “Yawn... I wonder what the professor will teach today,” he murmured lazily, heading toward the classroom. 

But the peaceful morning was abruptly interrupted by loud voices. Up ahead, a commotion broke out—Ambrose’s minions were beating up a boy with blonde hair. Gray stopped to watch, his eyes narrowing.

The blonde boy was no ordinary commoner. His hair was too striking, too regal. *An illegitimate child of a noble, perhaps?* Gray mused, watching from the sidelines. "Something about this feels off," he muttered to himself.

Suddenly, the blonde boy’s anger erupted, and with a flick of his hand, fire magic burst from his palm. The flames nearly incinerated the minions before Alicia, ever the savior, stepped in just in time, shielding them with her own magic.

"You idiots should be thankful I intervened," she snapped at the terrified minions. Then, she turned to the blonde boy, her voice sharp but with an undercurrent of concern. "And you—don’t you know what happens to commoners who attack noble children? You could be thrown in jail, or worse."

Gray, who had been quietly observing, finally stepped forward, smirking. “Well, well, if it isn’t Alicia. My dear Alicia, I don’t see the problem here. This guy was simply defending himself, wasn’t he?”

Alicia crossed her arms, fixing Gray with a stern gaze. “You might not know, but attacking nobles—no matter the reason—can get commoners killed or imprisoned. The rules aren’t so forgiving.”

Gray stopped a few inches from her, his voice lowering dangerously. “So who punishes these idiots when they commit crimes, huh? Who holds *them* accountable?”

Alicia lifted her chin defiantly, her fearless personality clashing with Gray's dominance. “Gray Redmoon—Prince—this kind of language doesn’t suit your status.”

Gray’s eyes darkened. “My status, you say? Does that mean I can punish noble children when they’re the ones causing harm?”

Alicia hesitated. She struggled to find an answer, opening her mouth to respond, but Gray didn’t give her the chance. "[Skill: Thunder]."

A streak of lightning crackled through the air, and in an instant, the minions collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Gray looked at Alicia, his expression cold. “With my status, it’s my duty to protect those who can’t defend themselves.”

Turning his attention to the blonde boy, Gray asked, “You alright, little fella?”

But instead of thanking him, the boy lashed out, pushing Gray’s hand away and storming off. “I don’t need your help!” he shouted as he ran.

Gray chuckled, watching him go. “A rebellion phase, huh? Cute.” But something about the boy lingered in his mind. There was a strange energy around him—something divine, almost celestial. *Who is he?*

As Gray and Alicia made their way to class, Alicia remained uncharacteristically quiet, lost in thought. Gray noticed, raising an eyebrow. “Why so quiet, young lady?”

Startled, Alicia shook herself from her thoughts. “Nothing... I was just thinking about that boy. I heard the headmaster personally recommended his enrollment.”

Gray wasn’t interested, biting into his apple without a care. “Hmph.”

When they entered the classroom, the atmosphere was tense. At the podium stood a figure in student attire, but the authority in his posture was undeniable. Every student in the room sat with their heads down, avoiding his gaze.

“You two are late,” the figure said coldly. He wore a long white coat adorned with red stars. “Is there a specific reason for your delay?”

“Sir Richard,” Alicia spoke up, addressing him with an unfamiliar respect. “There was a commotion outside. We weren’t really late—”

“Excuses,” Richard sneered, cutting her off. “You, a princess from a fallen kingdom, have no right to speak. Don’t talk back—just apologize.”

Alicia’s face hardened, her usual strength faltering. Richard’s towering figure exuded arrogance, his body language dripping with superiority. “To think this academy allows the likes of you to enroll. You and your family were lucky to survive because of the empire’s mercy.”

Alicia’s confidence wavered, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. Gray, biting into his apple again, interrupted casually, “You know... there are still five minutes before class starts.”

Richard’s gaze shifted to Gray, who stared back with a hint of amusement. “Oh, it’s our third prince. You still haven’t learned your place, have you? Even as a prince, you’re nothing but a worthless failure. How fitting—trash like you, befriending a princess of a fallen kingdom. How amusing.”

Gray didn’t flinch, his lips curling into a smirk. “I see. So this academy not only lets us study but also allows donkeys like you to roam free? How reassuring.”

Alicia, on the verge of tears moments ago, almost laughed at Gray's remark. Richard’s face twisted with fury, his hand flying to his sword. “How dare a failure like you speak to me that way!”

Just as he was about to strike, the professor entered the room, and Richard stopped in his tracks. “You were lucky this time,” he spat before storming out. “But you’ll pay for this insult.”

Three periods passed without further incidents, and Gray headed to the library. “Time for me to do what every main character does—gather a little knowledge about this world,” he muttered with a grin.

After poring over countless books on history, geography, and magic, Gray gained a deeper understanding of the world. “So, this continent is called Wistoria. Seven countries... different species... but why are all the advanced magic books missing?” He frowned, flipping through another basic magic tome.

As the school day ended, Gray walked back to his dorm, his mind still buzzing with newfound knowledge. But his peaceful walk was interrupted by a group of five students, all wearing the same uniform as Richard.

“Where do you think you’re going, trash prince?” one of them sneered, stepping forward.

Gray turned, unimpressed, but before he could react, a fireball came hurtling toward his face.

For a split second, time seemed to slow. The heat of the flames licked his skin, and adrenaline surged through his veins. He could feel the magic crackling in the air, the energy dense with malice.

In that heartbeat, Gray’s eyes flashed with a fierce determination. He wasn’t going to go down that easily.

*SUSPENSE... the fight was far from over.*


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