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Low-Key GOD webnovel (chapter-0)

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Eldernia; A vastly played online MMORPG game, where players can become anything they want: warrior,chef,cleaner,babysitter, and even GOD set in a fantasy world of myth and magic has come to its end. In just 5 minutes all the servers will be shut down forever. Izanagi who is successful Businessman has played Eldernia for almost 45 years is too on his deathbed, He never cared about anything except for his drive to be successful but it took everything from him. And just a year ago he sold his business to his worthy Rival and best friend. Now he is just waiting for his end and Eldernia's end. Izanagi has always loved this game and achieved the title GOD with his sheer hard work, A title no one in the entire 45 years has anyone achieved. As he closed his eyes in his last moments he heard a voice [unknown : You have been reincarnated live your life like you always wanted].


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